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Disability Insurance

Disability Income insurance is often over-looked but is one of the most important aspects of your financial planning.

What would happen to your family if your ability to earn a living suddenly stopped? Would they be able to make house payments? Car payments? Credit card payments?

We insure our homes, our cars, our lives, but why not our income?

Everyone needs to make certain they have some form of disability coverage. Most people feel "they're all set" because they have coverage through their employer. But few realize that in most cases they are only insured for 60% of their income. And even fewer people realize that if they become disabled under their employer's group disability income program, it is FULLY TAXABLE to the employee!

Depending on your tax bracket, you could lose a substantial amount of income and be left with as little as 30 or 40% of your gross income. Can you pay ALL YOUR BILLS on this reduced income?

Creative Finanical Partners of Michigan, LLC will help design a disability income program for you. We will take into consideration any existing coverage you now have and build on that program. For those people that do not have existing disability coverage, we strongly urge you to protect yourself and the financial well-being of your family.

Due to the complexity of the disability income products in the marketplace, it is very important that we meet with you personally to discuss your objectives. Your occupation and health, will play a vital part in getting a disability income plan approved with the insurance carriers.

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